
Adelphine velez, 15
Happily attached to RaymondWJH


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Annyeonghaseyo! ^^ Today was the first day of school and I swear it sucks ttm! Timetable was so packed till everything clashes together and I think I do not have the time to go out. Every bloody single day is to stay back in school till like 5.30pm then can go home. Sigh.... Stupid school has stupid timetable. Okay, then it is the code of conduct now. It sucks like shit also. No difference! They said that they wanna concentrate on attire this year. But attire good so what?! Behaviour not good also kena mark down -.- Hais.. It would be great if there is no school rules! (Y)

Day 03-Random cartoon(s) I like
HAHAHAH!! My favourite cartoon is the little brown shit (i call it brown shit x.x) with the mouth wide open and also has big eyes. Can you ppl guess it?! ^^ HAHA!! Its domo! My favourite is DOMO! <3 It is like so adorable and I am crazy over them. DOMO DOMO all around! Love it ttm! ;luv 

Day 04-A habit that you wish you didn’t have
I wish I had independence!!! My mummy say that I keep relying on ppl. Need ppl to accompany and stuff. And I hate it when she says that! Argh! I am trying to learn how to be independent, and I am sure I am able to do that one day! Just have faith in myself that I can do it \m/

Day 05-A list somewhere you’ve been to

Alright. I have been to countries like Malaysia, Thailand (when it was during Chinese New Year), China etc. :) This countries to me are fun and enjoyable to go to. Enjoy myself much there. So ya! ^^v

Here is a short little message which I find it meaningful. So it will end my post today :)

Do you know that I love you? I probably already told you, but I'm going to keep saying it. There is no lies in these words, not one bit. Your smile keeps me alive. Its one more reason to keep fighting. I would give you my soul for comfort, even it leaves me dark & cold. And when I hold you close, I can feel your heart beat fast, and I think to myself....
I've found that 'someone' at last. <3

Monday, January 3, 2011

A New Start for A New Year! (Y)

Alright! I am back to blogging again as I have nothing to do, like seriously. Gonna die of boredom alr!!! D: Anyway I am gonna continue to do my daily Challenge as I have stopped for a period of time& a little quiz shall end my post today! ^^ 

DAY 02-The Meaning Behind Your Blogger Name
My blogger name is 'Untold Stories'. It means that my blog is a space of my words where only a partial of my stories which happened daily where written or it never did. There was never a full story. As stories were usually written in full (with an opening and an ending), but mine was just the opening. No ending to it. Even if there is, there wasnt a full story. My story come only with an opening, or an ending, or with an opening and ending but it was not complete. 

ABC About You Questions

A - AVAILABLE: Nono. I am alr taken! >.<

B - BIRTHDAY: 25 October 1996

C - CRUSHING ON: My dearest Baby!

D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: Plain water. x.x


F - FAVOURITE SONG: 2012-Jay Sean ft. Nicki Minaj


I - IN LOVE WITH: RaymondWJH! <3

L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: Erm... From somewhere in Singapore to Genting.



O - ONE WISH: Lots of  Money! $$$


R - REASON TO SMILE: Family, Friends, Gans & My Baby.

S - SONG YOU LAST SANG: A Year Without Rain-Selena Gomez

T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 12.30pm


V - VEGETABLE(S): Cabbage, Lettuce etc.

W - WORST HABIT: Need accompany. x.x

X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: 2 times.

Y - YOYOS ARE: Cool? o.o

Z - ZODIAC SIGN: Scorpio

Random Questions About You

Spell your name without vowels: Dlphn

Your favourite number: 18th

What colour do you wear most: White & Black.

Least favourite colours: None.

What are you listening to: How Dare You-SISTAR

Are you happy with your life right now?: Not really.

What is your favourite class in school?: Geog! ;luv

Who is your bestfriend?: Weilin DOMO.

When do you start back at school/colleage: 4 Jan 2011

Are you outgoing: Not really.

Favourite pairs of shoes: Wedge heels.

Can you Dance?: Think so? o.o

Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?: Dont think so.

Can you whistle?: Not really.

Cross your eyes?: Yeah!

Walk with your toes curled?: Yes ofcourse.


Do you believe there is life on other planets?: Yeah.

Do you believe in miracles?: Sometimes.

Do you believe in magic?: Nope.

Love at first sight?: Uh huh.

Do you believe in Santa?: Okay-okay.

Do you know how to swim?: A little.

Do you like roller coasters?: Not really.

Do you think you colud handle the stuff they put in their stomachs on those reality shows?: No?

Have you ever been on plane?: YEAH!

Have you ever asked someone out?: Yes.

Have you ever been asked out by someone?: Yes.

Have you ever been to the ocean?: Nope.

Have you ever painted your nails?: Like duh?


What is the temperature outside?: Dunno? o.o

What radio station do you listen to?: 91.3fm

What was the last restaurant you ate at?: Forgot alr.

What was the last thing you bought?: Earrings! ^^

What was the last thing on TV you watched?: Forgot?

Who was the last person you took a picture of?: Forgotten!

Who did you last webcam with?: Baby! :)

Who was the last person you said I loveyou to?: My Baby :)


Ever really cried your heart out?: Yes.

Ever cried yourself to sleep?: Yes.

Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: Nope.

Ever cried over the opposite sex?: Yes, like duh.

Do you cry when you get an injury?: Yeah if its super painful.

Do certain songs make you cry?: Yeah.
Are you a happy person?: Not sure.

What is your current hair colour?: Mocha Orange.


What shirt are you wearing?: Red Stripe-py Shirt.

Pants?: Hello Kitty Pants! LOL!!!

Shoes?: Er... I dun wear shoes at home.

Necklaces?: Yeah :)

Underwear?: Ofcourse!


Favourite eye colour: Brown.

Short or long hair: Okay-okay.

Height: 170-175 cm.


Been to jail: Nope.

Mooned someone: Huh?

Laughed so hard you cried: Yeah.

Cried in school: Nope.

Wanted to be a model: Not really x.x

Done something really stupid that you still laugh about: Uh huh. Just ytd.

Seen a dead body: Yeah...

Been on drugs: No. Not at all!

Gone skinny dipping: Meaning? o.o


Pepsi or Coke: Coke.

Single or Group Dates: Group dates.

Chocolate or Vanilla: Both can?

Strawberries or Blueberries: Strawberries.

Meat or Veggies: Veggies.

TV or Movie: Movie.

Guitar or Drums: Guitar :)

Adidas or Nike: Adidas.

Chinese or Mexican: Chinese.

Cheerioes or Corn Flakes: Corn Flakes.


Name one random thing about myself: I love DOMOS!

Hey Readers! I just finished changing my blogskins. Thanks to the help of my sissy! HEHE! :D Will update more tmrw! A new year, a new start!
And lastly, I love my Baby lots! 18092010 <3